What You Want - Share your mov

by What You Want



The first recommendation app. for a world of movies, TV series in Vietnam based on your connections.With What You Want, you have access to a world of cinema, connect with your favorite users or create your own library of your favorite movies. You can also rate and review based on your taste.We would like to bring a fresh, legal entertaining way for movie lovers in Vietnam. Using the apps is not only the way to upgrade your lifestyle also supporting for the development of Vietnamese movie industry.▶Recommendation;How many times have you experienced disappointment after watching a movie?WYW can recommend you various movies which is relevant for what you want There are so many blockbusters in the movie world, which might please your taste but you havent known yet.Don’t waste your precious time cause you have the power to choose your enjoyments WYW is your first step to find which one you must like!▶Communication;How much important to share with your friends about the “must-watch” and “must-avoid” movies.When you consider to watch a movie,You even can get help to pick up or skip movies by the others review and rating.Such a great way to communicate and share your feeling with friends!▶Library collection;Such a priceless collection to keep all your favoritesMake your own library, write down your review and remember priceless reminiscence.Never lost these priceless feeling by making a library on WYW▶Share your Tastes;Easily check lovers taste and choose a movie wisely on the first date at the cinema.Being a thoughtful friend when call them and suggest "you like that movie too? Lets go to watch sequel of it!Moreover, with WYW you can also check other’s reference and library. They could be your favorite actors or director. Share the library public and get the comment from other "You have a brilliant sight for movies!"Interested in WYW? Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wywvietnam/Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatyouwantvn/